Dear Friends of Folktours;
We are very unhappy to tell all our fans that, sadly, the Folk Tours
Alaturka Dance & Music Festival/ tour in Istanbul, Turkey will not be happening in 2012.
The problem is due to the economic hardships within the countries of our largest client base-. USA, Europe and Asia
We sincerely regret any inconvenience that this may cause and we hope that you will join us in the future for one of our other events.
We are working on plans for an event in Istanbul in future.
This will encompass classes, dance parties, a student concert, a professional concert, a shopping trip and some sight seeing. There will be a special emphasis on Romany (Gypsy) dance and music and participants will be able to have a direct experience with this illusive and wonderful population. Please check out the website for future updates on this upcoming festival.
We will add you on our e-mail list, if you send us your e-mail address. Many thanks for your interest in our events and we very much hope to hear from you in the future.
Yours in dance;
Tayyar Akdeniz and Folk Tours team