Northeastern Anatolia Regions: (Erzurum, Kars, Agri, Gumushane, Bayburt)
Bar :
With their structure and formation, they are the dances performed by groups in the open. They are spread, in general, over the eastern part ofAnatolia (Erzurum Bayburt, Kars, Agri provinces). The characteristic of their formation is that they are performed side-by-side, hand, shoulder and arm-in-arm. Woman and man bars are different from one another. The principal instruments of our bar dances are davuland zurna (shrill pipe). Later, clarinet has been added to the woman bars. The dominant measures in bars are 5/8 and 9/8. Occasionally measures of 6/8 and 12/8 are used.Akszk 9/8 measures which are also the most characteristic measures, in particular, of the Turkish folk music are applied with extremely different and interesting structures in this dance.