Mey is an old Turkish musical wind instrument. It is mainly practiced in the Eastern part of the country. Evliya Çelebi mentions the Asian name of Mey as follows: "Belbam or Balaban was first discovered in Shiraz. It does not have a "Kalak" like in Zurna. It is widely used by the Turks "100 people played it". That is to say that these instruments were practiced in Istanbul in the 17th century. Türkmens beyond the Caspian Sea use "Mey" even today with the same original name. (V. Belaier 1937: Fitret page:48) Lower point of the "Mey" body is not as large as in Zurna. It comes down straight as in Kaval (pipe). "Mey" is composed of three parts: 1.Body / 2.Reed / 3.Reed claws which help sounds to be produced accurately. In Turkish: (Ana Gövde/Kamis/Kiskaç )
The best meys are those which are made of plum-trees. They also vary in size; the body lengths are 40 cm in Ana Mey, 35 cm. in Orta Mey and 30 cm. in Cura Mey. It has one octavo sound range. These exist 8 sound holes, 7 on the top of the body and 1 at the bottom. 9-10 hole mey is still practiced in Azerbaijan and Türkistan under the name of "Balaban"