The folklore of Turkey is extremely diverse, consequently the music. Nevertheless, Turkish folk is dominantly marked by a single musical instrument called saz or baglama, a type of long-necked lute. Traditionally, saz is played solely by traveling musicians called Asik (see Asik tradition below). In modern times, saz orcheastras, accompanied with many other traditional instruments, keep folk music popular in Turkey. The zurna and davul duo (shawm and drum) is popular in rural areas, and play at weddings and other celebrations. Some other common instruments are elektro saz (especially around Ankara), darbuka (especially in Rumeli), and kemenche (around Black Sea).
Folk music generally accompanies folk dances, which vary significantly across regions. The diverse range of folk music and dances include çiftetelli (Thrace), zeybek (Agean), horon (Black Sea), and halay (Eastern/Southeastern Anatolia).
Asik Mahzuni Serif