Labadorf Center dormitories:
There are dormitory rooms for 80 people in the center. Group bathroom facilities are separate for men and women
Each cabin offers sleeping facilities and adequate storage space for up to 20 people in two dormitory areas. Cabins
are grouped together in villages, each of which includes four cabins, centralized lodge which houses the bathroom facilities, & alpine lodge for classes. These cabins offer the traditional camping experience. (**note to last year's campers-- we will be using better cabins this year!)
We have some limited possibilities for couples to stay together with other couples, but no private sleeping accommodations.
Do not dissemble bunked-beds or rearrange the furniture. Keep the cabin in the same arrangement as you found it. Beds, mattresses, and cubbies are to remain in cabin. Do NOT remove them from the cabin!
Report all maintenance problems to your Group Leaders; don’t attempt to fix the problem.
Upon departure, please refer to the : Cleaning Procedures: flyer posted in your cabin. You are responsible for thoroughly cleaning your cabin and bathroom.