(Trabzon,Ordu,Samsun,Giresun, Rize, Artvin)
In this region, corn and the sea play an important role in the local economy and social life. One of the types of fish that lives primarily in the Black Sea is the hamsi, a kind of anchovy. This small fish is caught in great numbers by the fishermen's nets. One of the most characteristic movements, in horon dances, is a fast shoulder shimmy and a trembling of the entire body, which imitates or suggests the movements of the hamsi as it swims in the sea or struggles in the nets for its life.
Horon dances include a number of other steps and movements, many of which are physically demanding, especially since they are often done in quick succession. Usually an ever increasing tempo is kept up by the kemenceci, or fiddler, who stomps the beat with his foot as he plays, or by the zurna and duval players working together. These movements include: kneeling, sudden squats, sharp turns left and right, stamps, kicks from the knee, high thrusts from the thigh, walking while squatting, hopping forward on the left leg while "pawing" on the right like a horse, sudden outward arm thrusts and others.
The dancers, who may be male or female, form a line with the leader in the center. It may be interesting to note that the women's horon dances are just as quick as the men's and involve many transitions between challenging movements, along with a virtually constant shoulder shimmy. When men and women perform together, the dance is often referred to as rahat, or comfortable horon. Usually the dancers clasp fingers and extend their arms just below or above shoulder height, standing comfortable apart from one another. At other times, their bodies are closer together, with arms at their sides or bent at the elbows.

At the Eastern tip of the Black Sea, Artvin is a natural beauty with pine forests and mineral springs. River Coruh brings life to the area, along with various sports. Dances reflect people's relation with the wild nature, very dynamic and smooth at times, accompanied by instruments as drums and accordions. Artvin is a typical Black Sea region dance, performed by men and women together or separately.

Northern Anatolia which lies along the Black Sea, is covered by dense pine forests and plantations of tea, tobacco and hazelnut. Fishing Villages and mountain hamlets preserve the homes of traditional wooden architectural style. The dance is played by men dressed in black, with silver trimmings and females with their colorful costumes, link arms and quiver to the vibrations of the "Kemence" (A kind of violin)
The music is vocal or instrumental and the movements of the dance resemble the quick flopping of the fish out of water. Accompanying instruments: Kemence, and double Zurna.