Tayyar Akdeniz is teaching Baglama
Ba?lama is the most commonly used string folk instrument in Turkey. It takes different names according to the regions and according to its size such as Ba?lama, Divan Saz?, Bozuk, Çö?ür, Kopuz Ir?zva, Cura, Tambura, etc.
Cura is the smallest member of the ba?lama family with the highest pitched sound. The member one size bigger than cura which gives a sound that is one octave lower than cura is the tambura. And the one with the deepest sound is the Divan saz? whose sound is one octave lower compared to tambura.
Ba?lama has three main parts called Tekne, Gö?üs and Sap. Tekne part is generally made from mulberry trees as well as from woods of juniper, beech, spruce or walnut. The gö?üs part is made from spruce and the sap section from beech or juniper.
There are pieces called burgu (screw) at the end of the sap which is opposite to tekne part to which the strings are tied. These screws are used for tuning. There are pitches on the sap tied fith fish line. Ba?lama is played with a M?zrap or Tezene made from cherry wood bark or plastic and fingers are used in some regions. The later technique is called ?elpe.
Thee three string groups on ba?lama in groups of two or three. These string groups can be tuned in a variety of ways. For example in the tuning style called ba?lama Düzeni, the strings in the lower group give "A" note, middle group strings "D" note and upper group strings give "E" notes. Besides this type of tuning there are Kara Düzen, Misket Düzeni Müstezat, Abdal Düzeni, Rast Düzeni etc. styles.

Tayyar Akdeniz is teaching Baglama Soner Cicek is Teaching baglama

Omar Faruk Tekbilek is teaching Baglama